What is America's Aim?
“I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat."
When The Hackers are Hacked
"We have never seen this done to the level of sophistication that we are seeing here."
How Old is Too Old?
Perhaps it is time to ask younger people to do more.
The Two-Horse Economic Race
In 2018, US GDP was roughly $20 trillion. China's was $13 trillion.
American Cowards
Sunday was not a day of rest. It was a day of national shame.
How To Read September's Jobs Report
The unemployment rate, at 3.5%, drops to a fifty-year low.
Where Will China Leap Next?
How China and the United States – and their radically different versions of government, economics, and politics – cooperate moving forward will be the central test of my lifetime.
America's Three Chapters of Trade
Surpluses or deficits only indicate where a country is on its path to industrial development.
Deming's Fourteen Points on Productivity
Productivity isn’t everything, but in the long run, it is almost everything.
What To Learn From Kids
Adults use weasel words to impress, confuse, and obfuscate. Kids know better.