A Great Book on Diplomacy
He didn't have to deal with intercontinental missiles, nuclear weapons, and proliferating cyber threats.
Stop Bullshitting Me, Mark
Always been unintentionally naive, but now deliberatively full of shit.
Breaking Down the 5G Threat
In the world of social media expertise, we demand certainty—almost always false certainty—and punish nuance.
The Security-Prosperity Reckoning
If it ever existed in the minds of the layperson, the white space between national security and economic prosperity is gone.
Boring Business is Beautiful
The startup world is extreme.
How MIT Helped Win World War II
In January 1942, German U-boats were so close to the American coast that Nazi commanders could see the lights from New York City’s mighty skyscrapers.
One Break, Many Exits in Silicon Valley
It’s hard to imagine another industry — say, banking or healthcare — where a Master of the Universe bets cofounder-level time, reputation, and fortune on a kid half his age.
How Churchill Wrote Memos
In the weeks leading up to Churchill’s 1940 memo on brevity, the Germans occupied Paris; De Gaulle formed an exile government; Hitler ordered the plans for an invasion of the United Kingdom; and the Battle of Britain.
Escape from L.A.
In 2018, the United States experienced 14 climate-related disasters that each cost $1+ billion.
How Traditions Start and Grow
For a people who fought a revolution over executive authority, Americans sure love their presidents.