Power Play: Suits and Uniforms
When did physical "comfort" become a male priority?
American men are addicts – booze, porn, and video games – but one addiction is ravishing communities everywhere: the overreliance on athleisure.
When men are willing to sacrifice self-respect for "comfort," male privilege is out of control. In large swaths of American life – whether at a congressional hearing, school function, or house of worship – there is no distinction between grown men and adult children. A once proud country is publicly diminished by its own ... all in the name of avoiding "work clothes."
Do better, gents, and always remember.
- Your heroes wore suits and uniforms all day, every day.
- Your heroes sought booze, justice, and women – but never "comfort."
- Your heroes made many timeless speeches, but none were made wearing "technical apparel."
For inspiration, we look east. The Prince of Wales King shows the way in this excellent video.