The Security-Prosperity Reckoning
If it ever existed in the minds of the layperson, the white space between national security and economic prosperity is gone.
Boring Business is Beautiful
The startup world is extreme.
One Break, Many Exits in Silicon Valley
It’s hard to imagine another industry — say, banking or healthcare — where a Master of the Universe bets cofounder-level time, reputation, and fortune on a kid half his age.
Starving Female Founders
Out of the $130 billion raised from venture capital firms in 2018, all-female teams received 2.2%.
Billion Dollar Yoga
Yoga studios are of-the-community businesses.
Mayors Go To Harvard
Among public officials, mayors have the best and hardest jobs.
Align Material Incentives, Stupid
To understand why the world feels fractured, we must look at incentives.
Make Business Boring Again
There is a misguided belief that innovation must be sexy
The Slow Death of American Innovation
The number of Americans starting new businesses has collapsed