Bell Labs and The Power of "Good Problems"
Bell Labs — in New Jersey — was the original innovation center in America.
Innovation, Young and Old
Apple, Amazon, Alphabet, and Microsoft were started by founders in their 20s.
Why Cities Are The Future
The most significant economic opportunity of our lifetimes
MAGA and Microsoft
Business is becoming more collaborative while politics is becoming more confrontational.
Dear Brother, 9 Thoughts on Wealth Creation
There is incredible power in the idea of “ownership” — stocks, buildings, companies, etc. we cannot create wealth when our money is linked to hours worked.
Transforming an Uber Giant
In 1950, the average age of a company listed on the S&P was 60 years. Today it is less than 20 years.
Google and Cash Cows
What does Google’s history teach us about innovation?
Building a Differentiated Network
Be there to make decisions, solve problems, and build coalitions
How To Raise Cash Money … or Not
Fundraising has become a badge of honor in the land of silly apps and man-boy hoodies.
The View From Beijing
China’s confidence is growing