American Cowards
Sunday was not a day of rest. It was a day of national shame.
Where Will China Leap Next?
How China and the United States – and their radically different versions of government, economics, and politics – cooperate moving forward will be the central test of my lifetime.
Deming's Fourteen Points on Productivity
Productivity isn’t everything, but in the long run, it is almost everything.
What To Learn From Kids
Adults use weasel words to impress, confuse, and obfuscate. Kids know better.
Who Wants to Lead The World?
For decades, America earned its role as the global leader. It would be a hell of a thing to give up voluntarily.
How Population Trends
Of the nearly 9 billion people in the world, almost one-third live in China and India.
The Market for Presidential Volatility
Markets hate unpredictable volatility, and Donald J. Trump is unpredictable and volatile.
Firefights and Friendships
As Mattis says, if you’re taking on the world, bring your allies. You will need them.
How Strong is America?
Strength is a relative – not absolute – concept.
How Eisenhower Made Decisions
So everything begins with elimination. Start with the poison.