A Message To Garcia
There are times in our lives when we must complete our missions regardless of externalities.
Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom
The internet offers three interconnected, world-changing verticals for learning: information, knowledge, and wisdom.
The Ten Percent Rule
If life cooperates, I would love to work for another fifty years.
Space Force: Bad Name, Good Idea
Space is directly linked to the future of cities.
Overhauling the Input-Outcome Cycle
Outcome-focused work is deliberate, direct, and controlled.
Make Executives Great Again
People learn how to be workers, not leaders.
Why Hackers Aren't Afraid of Us
Cities are fighting a losing battle against increasingly sophisticated attackers.
Always-on City Surveillance
Real-time security networks track billions in cities
The One Thing That Will Make or Break Cities of the Future
From Pittsburgh to Shanghai, technology is eating manual labor.
The View From Seoul
Seoul’s population density is twice New York’s