Breaking Down the Coronavirus
85,00+ confirmed cases. 2900+ confirmed deaths.
Gutting the Growth Engine
You will not see #LabStrong trending on Twitter
America’s Boom Produced Trump
Starting in the 1980s, US firms provided the infrastructure for a wired world
What We Can Learn from Magic and Bird
"I even hated him more because I knew he could beat me"
20 Reasons Why 2019 Was a Great Year
As we start the next decade, the world is improving in big, important ways.
Margaret Thatcher's Brexit Prediction
She didn't believe in the equality of the sexes. She believed in the superiority of women.
What is America's Aim?
“I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat."
The 2008 Financial Crisis in Six Numbers
With the benefit of time and perspective, it is clear that the financial crisis was far, far worse than I knew at the time.
DoD's $15 Billion Silicon Valley Exit
Silicon Valley sits atop a foundation financed by the American military.