The Lost Art of the Long Lunch
Drake's, the well-regarded London brand, is known for its "commitment to craftsmanship, materials, attention to detail and idiosyncratic design." In addition to flannel wool suits and knit ties, Drake's editorial library — covering all aspects of menswear, creativity, and style — is a treasure.
A recent essay, A Long Lunch at St. JOHN, shows why.
As couples and small groups start drifting through to the dining room, our crew huddle together at the bar drinking Blanc de Blancs Champagne, while Trevor recounts tales of getting around French bureaucracy with aplomb. Fergus cuts a dash at the bar, in a bespoke moleskin Drake’s suit and superb pastel pink braces. Michael Drake arrives late in a Solito linen jacket, a re-styled 1980s Drake’s tie, and deep tan, looking like he’s arrived straight off a sea plane from Havana. The inimitable Michael Hill, has indeed just stepped off a plane from Sicily, and helps my colleague, Charlotte Sère, accessorize beautifully with a Drake’s bandana.
We are a motley, well dressed, well-refreshed crew, as we slide through to the private dining room. The pristine white walls, and Ercol chairs work as a perfect backdrop to the warm and colourful palette of wines and spirits we are to enjoy.
Look at this beautiful, motley crew!